I love this gorgeous little White timber cottage which has just gone on the market around the corner from where I live. Every time I go to the supermarket I drive past this house and I have always loved it and then just last week I drove past it and there was a for sale sign out the front of it. Unfortunately this house will have to be someone else's as we just bought our house late last year and we are about to embark on a large renovation and I know it is going to be beautiful but I love this house too! My poor husband married me knowing I had an obsession with pretty houses and I think he almost has a heart attack whenever I call him saying "Oh Honey, you know that pretty house which I have loved forever and ever it's just gone on the market......etc. etc. etc." Does anyone else out there have an obsession with pretty houses and searching on realestate.com because let me tell you I almost think I have a severe problem!!!
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